Advent II - Friday

“Anticipation lifts the heart. Desire is created to be fulfilled - perhaps not all at once, more likely in slow stages. Isaiah uttered his prophetic words about the renewal of the natural Creation into a wilderness of spiritual barrenness and thirst. For him, and for many other Old Testament seers, the vacuum of dry indifference into which he spoke was not yet a place of fulfillment. Yet the promise of God through this human mouthpiece (and the word "promise" always holds a kind of certainty) was verdant with hope, a kind of greenness and glory. A softening of hard-heartedness, a lively expectation, would herald the coming of Messiah. And once again, in this season of Advent, the same promise for the same Anointed One is coming closer.”

Luci Shaw

Questions to ponder:

Who do you know in your friendship circle is currently in a barren dry place?

Can you be the mouthpiece for God offering a word of hope, kindness, and grace? What would you say? What are you waiting for?

BE the voice of promise like the prophets of old.

Devotional Reading - Luke 13

Brian Suntken

It’s my sixtieth trip around the sun this year. I share some wisdom, some photography, some poetry and prayers for the journey ahead.


Advent II - Saturday


Advent II - Thursday