Advent III - Saturday

Once two brothers went to visit an old man. It was not the old man's habit, however, to eat every day. When he saw the brothers, he welcomed them with joy, and said: “Fasting has its own reward, but if you eat for the sake of love you satisfy two commandments, for you give up your own will and also fulfill the commandment to refresh others.”

Desert Wisdom

Questions to ponder:

Think for a moment of the most memorable meal you ever had…. why was it so? What did you have to eat? Where did the meal take place? Who was with you?

What do you think the writer meant when he stated, ‘if you eat for the sake of love’?

Who are the persons in your life who need to be refreshed by a meal with you? Why is that so? What will you do to make that meal a reality?

Devotional Reading - Luke 18

Brian Suntken

It’s my sixtieth trip around the sun this year. I share some wisdom, some photography, some poetry and prayers for the journey ahead.


Advent IV - Sunday


Advent III - Friday