Advent III - Wednesday

“With it’s transition from darkness into increasing light, Advent symbolically shows me my journey from the weaknesses I acquire because I live in a fallen world, to the enabling grace offered to me in Christ’s life, ministry, atonement, crucifixion, and resurrection. His ministry to me is individual, tailored to my specific needs. He saves me by changing me, transforming me, and making me into something I am not now. He can convert me—if I will let Him—into a fit traveler, able to walk the covenant path that leads through the temple and back to my Heavenly Father. Jesus willingly walks with me, inviting me to take on His yoke (which is easy) and to exchange my burden for His (which is light). Advent reminds me to invite the Light of the World to illuminate my life. O come, o come, Emanuel!”

Jean-Michel Hansen

Questions to ponder:

“His ministry to me is individual, tailored to my specific needs.” When you read those words, what comes to your mind? Do you agree or disagree with the author?

How do you understand the concept of conversion? is it a positive or negative image for you?

I like the way Hansen expressed the idea of conversion: “He can convert me - if I will let Him - into a fit traveler…” Are you open to God’s conversion? Closed? Fearful of conversion? Needing to control when it happens? Why do you feel the way you do? Be specific in your answer.

Devotional Reading - Luke 15

Brian Suntken

It’s my sixtieth trip around the sun this year. I share some wisdom, some photography, some poetry and prayers for the journey ahead.


Advent III - Thursday


Advent III - Tuesday