Friday of Lent II - Remembrance

A certain tribe in Africa traps wild monkeys in a very ingenious way. They take a gourd or pumpkin and hollow out the inside and then they cut a hole just big enough for a monkey's hand to squeeze through. Then they throw peanuts inside the pumpkin, tie it to a tree and leave. When all is quiet, the monkeys investigate, smell the bait, reach in to get the peanuts, make a fist and then try to squeeze out the same way. But the opening is too small for the fist to get out and the only way they can hang onto the peanut is by making a fist. So they are stuck. The next day, they scream with rage and fear as the natives pick them up and ship them off to live in some zoo forever.


Brian Suntken

It’s my sixtieth trip around the sun this year. I share some wisdom, some photography, some poetry and prayers for the journey ahead.


Saturday of Lent II - Remembrance


Thursday of Lent II - Remembrance