Saturday, Advent Two - Anxiety & Freedom

”Every community now is worried, because the old ways do not work anymore. And in their anxiety, communities are tempted to all kinds of controlling regulations and figure out ways to be exclusive in order to keep out the ‘others’ and let life be undisturbed and uncomplicated, as though that would make us safe. All around the local community is fear, a fear that keeps being fed by the fearful, about immigration, about the economy, about oil, about terrorists, all kinds of manipulatable fears that turn us into a worried, even paranoid society. But the church speaks another word in such a context. It is a word of preaching and living, of witnessing and acting, that we are unafraid and we invite the world to be unafraid with us.”

Walter Brueggemann, A Gospel of Hope, page 34.

Brian Suntken

It’s my sixtieth trip around the sun this year. I share some wisdom, some photography, some poetry and prayers for the journey ahead.


Sunday, Advent Three - John the Baptist


Friday, Advent Two - Anxiety & Freedom