Tuesday of Lent I - Division

There can be no reconciliation until there is recognition of need, of rupture, of alienation, of sin, a being drawn to conversion and a new life. If you are a member of the perfect society you have no need of conversion and little need for adequate rituals to express healing. Who needs healing if you aren't broken? How difficult it is to experience conversion when numbers of people feel they do not need it. How difficult it is to stand in need of the mercy of God if some in the community think they are able to define it and mete it out. Reconciliation cannot happen in a community where the majority believe that they don't need it and that the minority don't deserve it. Shunning follows logically from such a posture.

Kathleen Hughes, Reconciliation: The Continuing Agenda, Robert J. Kennedy, ed.

Brian Suntken

It’s my sixtieth trip around the sun this year. I share some wisdom, some photography, some poetry and prayers for the journey ahead.


Wednesday of Lent I - Division


Monday of Lent I - Division