All Glory, Laud and Honor

All glory, laud and honor,
To Thee, Redeemer, King,
To Whom the lips of children
Made sweet hosannas ring.

Thou art the King of Israel,
Thou David's royal Son,
Who in the Lord's Name comest,
The King and Bless'd One.

The company of angels
Are praising Thee on High,
And we, with all creation,
In chorus make reply.

The people of the Hebrews
With palms before Thee went;
Our prayer and praise and anthems
Before Thee we present.

To Thee, before Thy passion,
They sang their hymns of praise;
To Thee, now high exalted,
Our melody we raise.

Thou didst accept their praises;
Accept the prayers we bring,
Who in all good delightest,
Thou good and gracious King.

St. Theodulph of Orleans was born in Italy or Spain, around 760 A.D. to a family of nobility. He chose a life of religious service and became abbot of a monastery in Firenze (Florence), Italy. In 781, Charlemagne appointed him Bishop of Orleans, France. However, when Charlemagne died, his son, Louis the Pious, suspected Theodulph of treason, and he was imprisoned in Angiers in 818. While imprisoned for conspiring against the King of France, St. Theodulph of Orleans wrote the verses that give us the Palm Sunday hymn "All Glory, Laud, and Honor." He died in prison.

Brian Suntken

It’s my sixtieth trip around the sun this year. I share some wisdom, some photography, some poetry and prayers for the journey ahead.


For Our Nation


Footnote to all Prayers