The Ionian Creed

We believe in God above us,

maker and sustainer of all life,

of sun and moon, of water and earth,

of male and female.

We believe in God beside us,

Jesus Christ, the word made flesh,

born of a woman, servant of the poor,

tortured and nailed to a tree.

A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief,

he died alone and forsaken.

He descended into the earth

to the place of death.

On the third day he rose from the tomb.

He ascended into heaven,

to be everywhere present throughout all ages,

and His kingdom will come on earth.

We believe in God within us,

the Holy Spirit burning with Pentecostal fire,

life-giving breath of the Church,

Spirit of healing and forgiveness,

source of all resurrection and of eternal life.


The Ionian Creed and is published in the Iona Abbey Worship Book.

Brian Suntken

It’s my sixtieth trip around the sun this year. I share some wisdom, some photography, some poetry and prayers for the journey ahead.


I Choose to Breathe the Breath of Christ


I Cannot Do This Alone