Advent I - Friday

“The more deeply one enters into the experience of the sacred the more one is aware of one’s own personal evil and the destructive forces in society. The fact that one is alive to what is possible for humankind sharpens one’s sense that we are fallen people. The awareness of sin is the inevitable consequence of having met grace... This grace-judgment dynamic reveals that the center of Christian life is repentance. This does not mean that the distinguishing mark of the Christian is breast-beating. Feeling sorry, acknowledging guilt, and prolonging regret may be components of the human condition, but they are not what Jesus means by repentance. Repentance is the response to grace that overcomes the past and opens out to a new future. Repentance distinguishes Christian life as one of struggle and conversion and pervades it, not with remorse, but with hope. The message of Jesus is not “Repent,” but “Repent for the Kingdom of God is near.”

John Shea, A Star at Its Rising: Advent Meditations

Questions to ponder:

  1. Advent, like the season of Lent, gives the seeker a chance to deal realistically with personal struggles and shortcomings. The word “repent” means to “turn around and head in a new direction”. What have you been carrying spiritually or emotionally that needs to be set down, released, so that the remaining days of Advent may be filled with hope and the promise that the Kingdom of God is near?

Devotional Reading - Luke 6

Brian Suntken

It’s my sixtieth trip around the sun this year. I share some wisdom, some photography, some poetry and prayers for the journey ahead.


Advent I - Saturday


Advent I - Thursday