“People have an idea that the preacher is an actor on a stage and they are the critics, blaming or praising him. What they don't know is that they are the actors on the stage; the preacher is merely the prompter standing in the wings, reminding them of their lost lines.”
Søren Kierkegaard


A Sermon Series on 2 Samuel

During the season of Pentecost 2021, Brian Suntken offers a sermon series on 2 Samuel and the life of King David. Do these stories still speak today? Brian believes the narratives do and compares the actions of the King and his court with issues of the present day.


Simply the Sermon 2 Samuel 2

Simply the Sermon 2 Samuel 5

Simply the Sermon 2 Samuel 6

Simply the Sermon 2 Samuel 1

Simply the Sermon 2 Samuel 11

Simply the Sermon 2 Samuel 12

The Issue of Immigration

Brian Suntken reflects on the humanitarian crisis at the Southern border. What is the Christian response to immigration? How do we welcome the stranger? How can the church collaborate with local authorities? Jesus calls his disciples to bear good fruit.

Rejoice in the Lamb

In the season of Easter, Brian offers a reflection of the theological importance of Benjamin Britten's Rejoice in the Lamb, Opus 30. In addition, Rev. Suntken introduces listeners to the poetry of Christopher Smart and the Reverend Walter Hussey who commissioned the piece in 1943.

Doubting Thomas?

Poor Thomas gets a bad rap in the Gospel story. But, there are many other persons in those post resurrection stories who doubt the validity of Jesus' rebirth. The story is not really about Thomas but about Jesus. Brian reflects on this powerful story from the Gospel of John.

Easter Day 2021

Mark's Gospel has an abrupt ending leaving the story, and the reader, hanging. It's a call to begin again. To find Jesus in the every day events of our lives. Where? Back in Galilee!

Palm Sunday 2021

Human beings make choices every day from the simplistic to the most challenging. As Holy Week begins, Christians have a choice to follow Jesus through conflict, abuse and death or take an easy way out. Brian explores our options.

A Priesthood of All Believers

Are you tired of institutional religion? Do you wish for an alternative vision of what the Church could be like or are you satisfied with the status quo? Brian paints a vision of what the future of the Church could be like. The service aired on Sunday, March 21, 2021.

Lessons from the Aspens

One of the disciplines of Lent is charity towards our neighbors. We can learn much about our human interconnectedness from the beautiful and majestic Aspens. This service aired on February 21, 2021

To Hope

Rather Than To Fear

After the events of January 6, and the storming of the US Capitol, many Americans are feeling weary and fearful of what may come next. In his sermon, Brian Suntken offers a message of hope and challenges each of us: "Don't tell me what you fear; tell me what you believe."

“Light and Darkness”

Our nation celebrates the life of the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., gifted orator, civil activist, community organizer, and committed Christian. Dr. King worked for justice and liberty in chaotic and threatening times. Brian Suntken, the pastor of The Community of Saint John, reflects on Dr. King's life, legacy and what we can glean from this civil rights icon.

Remember Your Baptism

On this day, as the Church celebrates the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan river, Brian Suntken reflects on the significance of remembering our baptism and the importance of giving thanks to God. Original air date was January 10, 2021.

Pointing to Christ

On the Third Sunday of Advent, Brian Suntken explores the first chapter of the Gospel of John and the importance of John the Baptist's action of pointing to the Christ.

An Attitude of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving in the midst of Covid-19. What are you thankful for this year?

Jacob & Esau Ultimate Reunion

Jacob and Esau are an example of ultimate reunion. In this sermon, which aired on August 16, 2020, Brian Suntken explores the arduous and challenging work of reconciliation which is necessary for each of us to become whole.

Overcoming Trials and Tribulations

No one gets through life without trails and adversity. What can we glean from the Joseph saga in the Book of Genesis that can assist us when we face such tribulations and challenges? Brian Suntken, the pastor of the Community of Saint John, offers insight and suggestions.


Inspirational Stories of Hope in Chaotic Times


The Bible and the Backstory